In feb i went on a 9 day Rajasthan trip for Our college fest " Precipice" organised by the final years which was held in Udaipur. Though the fest per se was an overnight one , the other 8 days were consumed in travelling ( train!!love it!) and sighseeing in Jaipur,Ajmer and Pushkar and Udaipur.The trip was fun for the most part except me losing my wallet on the 1st itself in Jaipur with 7 grand in it.But oddly thanks to my id card in it , the ' finder' returned the waller minus the cash!( like murdering a person and getting him cremated personally !)

Visited the Ajmer Dargah and partied at a (fake)fort at below 0 degrees in pushkar!
The fest per se was decent. It was at this Jaisamand island resort amidst a lake ! an overnight event and sitting through it in the chilling temperatures was some experience but couldn't have been possible without those hand-warming sessions before the small bonfires and pots of tea! The quiz with the host Roshan Abbas at 3 am & winning a Stori shirt for an audience answer was fun!
Finally a CC!
On the Toastmasters front, I've finally finished my CTM /CC ( competent communicator ) after repeating my 9th & 10th speeches ! and it's goodbye to those amazing-cum-strenous sessions which saw me going helter skelter every week , scouting for assignees and evaluators and begging people to attend the meetings ! heck im gonna miss Toastmasters,,,
Graduation day
Apart from that I Was busy with Graduation day,not mine.i have another Year to go but the one for our seniorswhich we junior part in it? well Practically lil bit of everything. Giving my 'creative' ( but not enough 'creative' for our Creative Inc. ) inputs related to backdrop,names,creative writeup , errands et all but my most significant par being that of a scriptwriter !(For the emcees ). ( At CMS things are as professional as they come , so no last time random people fumbling on stage ) the preparations started way in advance.So apart from writing the script for the other 18 MCs , i also MC-ed a small part-the " Nevermind Awards" which are these tongue in cheek awards given to the graduating batch.( the categories ranged from the most talkative eprson "the motormouth " , the bluffmaster , Mr funny bone, Ekalavya-the best student,CMS bhakt- most dedicated person,Maha feku,Late latif,casanova,to the amberdhara ( pair always found together!).
Apart from graduation ceremony it's also our annual awards ceremony where trophies and certs for excellence in various fields througth the year( fests,academics,sports,creative INC etc) are given out. the list of awardees was put up 3 days in adavnce so that corrections/clarifictons could be made. as usual there were a lot of issues regarding certain awards. Lot of apparent deserving people were unfairly skipped and a few seemingly unnecessary people were given a whole lot more than they seemed to deserve. but ulimately things were more or less for me , i got 3 awards -one for Quiz,event head and Literature each. was pretty content .
So my Nevermind awards pretty well on stage. The little jokes and funny conversation which i'd prepared for it did the trick. ( but the behind the scenes story meant being decked up in a 5kg sari for 14 hours and running around the audi.
In the end , they played a video of the graduating batch which moved me. It hit that just another year and i'd be up there giving my Graduation Speech. A bitter-sweet 3years journey coming to an end and beginning of a new life altogether...
comments/questions , bring em on!
till the next time , ciao!
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