What happens when you watch too much TV ?
Eye strain yes , weight gain , distraction in studies ( yeah ok that too topper ) ...but you know what happens when A disaster ridden person like me does it??
burn a hole in my pocket and big time!
So the other day , i was browsing channels at my usual past-midnight insomniac schedule and i stop to see this Channel running an "infomercial" about this product which looked like a funny space goggles at first ..Amused , I stayed tuned to watch more and i discovered my Space googles were actually these " magnetic massagers " called Eyemax developed after 'years of Research and Approved by optemeterists' ( yeah that's a word!) , which claimed to relieve your eyes of the strain caused by Glares of the screen (tv , comp , mobile) , dark circles , wrinkles yeah u get the pic..and a boon to people who spent a major time in front of the comp ( read me ) and improve ur eyesight !!
Now i was beginning to get interested so i watched the entire ONE HOUR show which had a model endorse the product thrice in diff ways and testimonials by ppl who used the prod n got relieved of their power altogether! all over the screen were these "toll free" numbers u can order the product frm and even a 10 day money back guarantee!
Bas , that was enough for me to pick up my phone , dial n order Eyemax! ! as promised it shipped within 3 days ,and well the rest they say is tragedy...
what delivered was A cheap finish China made product with no relieving effect but far from it. well, let's not go into the details here and refresh my agony but all i can say is that when they said "it'll relieve u of ur eye strain" what they meant is that it'd cause so much pain , that there won't be any glands left to feel strain and by losing ur power it meant that u'll lose ur power to ever be stupid like me again!!
dozens of calls to em to take back the product , It's been of no use and i've just been gettin fwded to one manager to another "senior mgr "...so mcuh for the 10 day money bck guarantee..
So it's proven now... I 'm capable of inviting disaster esp of the greener , financial kinds in any Shape size and form ... From losing 3 wallets in a year , to Losing other things and now buying Sham products , I can not-so-Proudly say I've been there , done that and i HOPE that's that!
I saw the same pair of goggles (I think) at last year's India Internatonal trade fair..they were selling them for 250 bucks..looked promising but I wasn't in the mood to shell out money that time!
Well finally someone made you a bakra :D
I wish someone actually made such a device coz the long hours I spend on my PC have really drained the peace from my eyes :(
ohmigosh! u actually ordered one!
btw, did you know that the glare from a tv screen, or computer, will not affect the viewer in any manner other than eye strain?
it says so in our text books!
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