Mar 31, 2008

A good day....

Today's great generally!!
1) Dinesh sir ( our princi) called the the entire graduation team ( ppl who worked for it) in his office and appreciated our work and gave us a chocolate each as a thank you gesture!! ( never mind that it was a 5rs dairymilk but extracting kudos outta that man is a biggie!)
2) I got my Roadies gift voucher redeemed and the book i'd got it exchanged for , came today! ( you get a gift voucher for every sms to MTV Roadies which i thought was a sham but turned out to be genuine) So yeah another book to somewhat impressive book collection
3)Got my CAT material ( yeah , the " passport to IIM's !) today and hopefully i will make some use of it ,apart from having it as my room decor. !!! though frankly I'm not kicked about the CAT anyway or the IIMs for that matter...
4)I got an 83% in my 3rd sem exams which was a most exciting surprise , as i had the exams during my bro's wedding and I would've hardly studied a coupla hours a day!!
5) It's raining and the weather is just beautiful !!

All in all a great day ,"professionally" !!
" I'd like to thank my parents , God , my friends , my producer ,My principal , rediff , MTV , and hope im not missing out on anyone....(blows kiss in the air!)

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