Spoiler alert- the links given on here can be addictive.
Being an early adopter into the world of the internet and quite befittingly, working at a company that synonyms the internet itself, it is a given that I spend a sizable portion of my life on the internet. Nay, the truth is that, with the advent of myriad internet supporting devices, mobile compatible websites and now 3G, I'm never really disconnected from it , but digress I must not ,cos it's gonne be a long ride ahead.
Ok. So here are my 10 favorite sites on the internet, that I cannot do without, or may be I can but I'll probably never know.
Yes I'm Googler and like a good Googler I'm gay for all things Google ( most of which, I have no contribution or credit to take for ) but just for the sake of not being redundant, skipping out google.com as one of my favourites on here .The eskimos need no ice, now, do they?
Here goes
1) Wikipedia.org- to put it crudely, I'm one of those information whores, who I think is merely the adult version of an annoyingly curious child who's had a "why/what/how/when" about most everything in life. " Mamma, why do guys stand up to pee instead of sitting down" , "Papa, why is not a carrot called orange"? While those questions might've left my parents bewildered and at a loss for answers, but wikipedia, day after day, it continues to give me all the answers I need in life and then some. ( Ok not all. I still don't know my purpose on earth!). It was my saviour doing college when i severely doubted the veracity of a BU text book .A potential trigger is also that I've been an avid quizzer both in school ( ahem...a bournivita quiz champion no less) and college. I run to wikipedia to read up just about on everything, I wouldn't want to be caught pants down, holding forth about a topic, I haven't wikied well enough.
2)Youtube- Ok I'd said that I'd stay google-free on this , but hell no. It would be blasphemy if I left out Youtube from this list.
Be it catching up on my favourite songs,random songs, hilarious videos, how to videos, videos of videos , I can never tire of YT! I knew YT had me owned for life, when 5 minutes before a wedding , I was in front of my laptop , watching 2 NRI girls giving a blow-by-blow demo of ' how to wear a sari and actually attempting to wear one with them wit the grace of my mother !
3) Snapdeal.com ( and the Myriad other daily deal sites that've been mushrooming up all over the internet of late- fashion&you, 99labels, dealivore etc ). If you're not from India, groupon.com would ring a bell. OK i have a confession to make here. I'm a shopoholic.It is my drug.You can send me to a hardware shop and I'll end up with 2 bagful of 'goodies' & purr like a cat all day ! So don't even get me started me on shoes , clothes and other girly paraphernalia. ( people who know me well, would vouch for that). Now, being a shopoholic and being a sucker for value and economy ( trappings of the quintessential marwadi?) are 2 very conflicting interests. I've let the shopoholic side of my take over this far. but enter snapdeal and its cousins that offer the most unbelievable deals on pretty much everything u need to or most often, do not need to buy- clothes , shoes, perfumes, and even services like the salon,restaurants, etc in ur city , all sitting online! It's like the shopping Gods have finally my prayers, after worshipping all those temples of pure retail divinity.
Well what can i say, my doorbell hasn't stopped ringing with them parcels ever since ;)
4)marthastewart.com - I'm the Cancerian Linda Goodman wrote about . Yes, I cook, i clean , and i work tirelessly at keeping the house in order and making it look pretty. Nothing gives me more kick than creating a beautiful artefact out of a piece of trash. Yes , I've been baptized as a housewife. Martha stewart and some related sites, are just this haven for me, which feature gourmet recipes, handy tips related to the household, home decor ideas and what not! A must visit for people, who truly believe in -home is where the heart is ( & whose idea of cleaning up is not just swiping everything out of sight into the drawers :)
5)Mashable.com- I love this site 'cos it's the one-stop shop of all the current and social media trends, news and all stacked very neatly under one site. So the next time you feel you've been under a knowledge rock, you know where to find your groove back.
6) Deviantart.com- for any artistically/ aesthetically inclined person, this is your mecca. There's a treasure trove of art by professions, amateurs and enthusiasts from all over the world. You have photography,sketches, vectors, and real paintings and a hell lot of random art that you can even download but mainly get inspired by. Big respect .
7)Fmylife.com- Hahha. Here's the fun one one. Sadistically speaking, when pathetic & absolutely dismal your life seems at times or more often, and when everyone comes across as satan's cousin, it's such a big relief to know, there're other people in the world who've had it worse. Not only does this site make you feel blessed for not being the only one but also makes for great laughs. " Today, against my wishes, my family and I went swimming with sharks. While in the shark cage, a shark got within a few feet of us. My cowardly bowels objected and caused me to shit myself. FML"
Also check out dearblankpleaseblank.com for the wittiest and the pithiest letters written in the history of communication;)
8)theurbandictionary.com- You'd be damned if you thought, that knowing your wren & martin and your oxford inside out had you established as a true lingual maverick 'cuz yo nigga,fo shizz if u ain't got the dope on the 20th hit , u aint worth a dime on the shit'. Yup, language has evolved,been internationalised and bastardised, if you will. You don't want to be the fossil from the 80's who doesn't know his detox from his meatox, now dyuya?.
9)flickr.com- Ok so, well, I have mixed feelings about this site. Till quite sometime back, I used to live in a beautiful lie, that i was awesome at photography. I would feel smug every time a photo clicked ( and deftly edited) by me would get the 5+ likes on Fb or wherever else I chose to exhibit it. But then came Flickr and all the amazing works of shutterbugs from around the world with their awesome cameras, some mean editing & just mainly a true gift, whose pictures spoke not a thousand words but a sentence- "shut the fuck up. And watch & learn" ! Enough said.
10) Facebook- hahahaha .gotcha. You thought i forgot THIS one, didn't you ? Well well well, like it, hate it, envy it, but the truth is you just cannot do without it. Warts, Spam and all.For someone who started pretty late on the FB fever, ( yes i was one of the last survivors of the sinking ship called Orkut) and for the most part being highly cynical of it, I've come a long way. I love updating my status with wisecracks ( self-concocted, thank you very much) , and anticipating what people would say, indulging my bouts of narcism with photos, letting the world know where I went the last weekend, or just randomizing about, or just pouring it out in the notes-like this one. The one week that i was off Fb, i swear i could feel a rock above me.
Like some wise man opined " It didn't happen, if it wasn't on facebook". So true. Whether you're on the receiving end of it, or the one doing it, you have to admit, never has living in a fishbowl ( which co-incidentally also shortens to 'fb') been so voluntary & fun ( and unfortunately bloody addictive!):)
Truth is I can go on till cows come home, about a hundred more sites I could probably waste all the time in the world on, but a life I must have , so I shall leave it at this.
Tell me what u think and also post your favorite sites and things to do on the internet!
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