Another dawn comes.
Another dusk sets.
Another dusk sets.
Another era ends.
Such are the sands of time.
From ever since I can remember, I have never had a friend for more than 3 yrs at a stretch in the same physical location as me. I have changed over 6 cities and as many schools and colleges.
And my dad was not even in the army! People are always just leaving- for a new job, to study, to travel, for their sanity or leaving just my life, or both as a consequence of the former.
I've always agreed that change is good, but not when it involves a change of people your life revolves around. When you realise your life is suddenly thrown off its comfortable balance when people and relationships you've invested in-in terms of time, emotions etc just crumble with what a move ensues. You don't even realise that over time, you've grown somewhat dependent on these people, or are just too used to them and it's uncanny how decisions they make in their lives, change yours overnight.
To be fair, I'm probably not any less of a culprit when it comes to being on the move. I'm sure that all the times I've moved from one place to other, even I have changed at least one life, that depended on me, had its schedule aligned with mine. When I moved from Bangalore to Hyderabad for this job, leaving behind all my friends of years, my family, my dogs and a way of life, putting my professional interests first, it did affect a few lives; but I had no choice. I had to move on, grow out of my comfort zone, discover who i was and what i could make of was truly as they say 'life was calling'... So I don't blame people who leave. I'm sure if they could help it, they'd stay put, soaking in every moment of the stability, if a little staid, it brought in. The sad truth is all our lives are spread across sort of reverse horcruxes which are spread across purposes and geographies, and we merely try to collect them all, and keep our lives intact.
As for now, my life is stuck in an infinite loop of meeting new people and just when you've established that emotional connect with them, eventually parting- at least physically. Maybe it's a good thing, after all. Maybe its just god's way of ensuring that in a lifetime, we get to meet and experience a whole lot of different people and adventures, that come into our lives to serve a purpose and leave when it's over, just for the next adventure to commence. That's what them gypsies live for, and how...
But then sometimes I hate that the world is so big that two people who want to be a part of it together have to live in separate worlds of their own.
Most companies come with the concept of a contract/bond, that you cannot leave before a certain minimum time period, usually 6 months to even 3 yrs (in case of airlines), and a heavy penalty or hell even persecution awaits, if you breach the contract. I wonder if it's a good idea to have such a thing in life, for relationships.
As I sign off, I remember that people say that in this day of 24/7 connectivity on the myriad social networking sites: skype, whatsapp, whatnot, distance is hardly relevant. I think not.
Try walking in the rain, hand in hand, with your iphone, over a hot cup of tea and we'll talk.
So long until the next..unfairwell.
Great post. I have been following your earlier posts as well. I haven't been confident of writing comments earlier. You are a good story teller. It makes me nostalgic reading your posts. I remember losing many friends in the course of time. I haven't traveled many places and still it has affected me for others kept moving.
Thanks so much anonymous.... Do feel free to comment on my posts! negative or positive...would love to hear your feedback...
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